Picture of DIAB Logo  Query Analytics

DBA In A Box  we save you money
SQL Software for: SQL server performance tuning, SQL server performance dashboard, Query tuning, SQL server performance history, SQL replication monitor, SQL database monitoring, SQL analyzer, SOX compliance, with tools designed to: scan, alert, and investigate, SQL server failures.
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SQL every DBA needs


DIAB Query Analytics was designed to assist DBA's, and SQL developers with code review. It is a fast way to quickly scan a large script containing a mix of different objects. It is also an excellent SOX tool as it will quickly display code that may alter security. Although it will not parse the code, it will analyze the code for things that parsing does not see. Below is a short list.

1. Look for statements that will alter permissions,

2. Apply best practice rules of logic to the code, and identify poorly written statements.

3. Compare relations against each other and identify unequal data types and missing indexes.

4. Will identify Table and clustered index scans.

5. Will create a listing of all tables, columns, relational statements, and indexes found so you have quick access to most objects called within the script.

6. Will identify non-sargable code.

7. Will display commands that will modify data. Use for deploying BI only code, or replication servers that should never be updated.

DIAB Query Analytics is free. Simply install the software and send a request for your free key to unlock your software. All we ask in return is for a name and email address. This information is not shared with anyone, or any company ever, and a few times a year we may send you an email asking you to try other great products from DBAInABox.

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