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SOX security
query can be used to show
invalid user security
permissions. you must manage your exclusions manually. use this as a
for creating a group of procedures to check your servers for sql
violations. I use this to generate reports for auditors or for
checking my databases for changes against a known list of
exclusions. Of course the easy way is to spend 269.99 on DIAB which has
all the tools built in. DIAB is like having hundreds of your favorite
scripts all pre-tested and ready to use.
This job will run queries
against the databases within
a server. it will then compile all the results
-- into serveral temporary tables. The results are then
pulled from these tables into two grids minus the
-- exclusions you may have selected.
declare @cmd1
as varchar(3000)
create table #dbuserroleaccess(dbase nvarchar(50),username
nvarchar(100), groupname nvarchar(100), loginname nvarchar(100))
table #objectpermissions(dbase nvarchar(50),object
nvarchar(250),grantee nvarchar(100), grantor nvarchar(100),protecttype
nvarchar(50),action nvarchar(50),tablecol nvarchar(100))
create Table #tempuserroleaccess(username nvarchar(100), groupname
nvarchar(250), defdbname nvarchar(250), DefSchemaName nvarchar(250),
userid int, sid nvarchar(500))
create table
#tempobjpermissions(owner nvarchar(50),object nvarchar(250),grantee
nvarchar(100), grantor nvarchar(100),protecttype nvarchar(50),action
nvarchar(50),tablecol nvarchar(100))
create table #tempsrvroleaccess(serverrole nvarchar(100),membername
nvarchar(100), membersid nvarchar(250))
-- **** Insert into Tables
insert into #tempsrvroleaccess
exec sp_helpsrvrolemember
insert into #tempuserroleaccess
exec sp_helpuser
insert into #tempobjpermissions
exec sp_helprotect
-- **** Insert into summary Tables
into #dbuserroleaccess
-- unique code for master only to gather
level data
select 'ServerName',membername,serverrole,membername from
insert into #dbuserroleaccess
(dbase,username,groupname, loginname)
select 'master',username, groupname, loginname from #tempuserroleaccess
insert into #objectpermissions
(dbase,object,grantee,grantor,protecttype,action, tablecol)
select 'master',object,grantee,grantor,protecttype,action,tablecol from
drop table #tempuserroleaccess
drop table #tempobjpermissions
drop table #tempsrvroleaccess
-- ********** Operator Modification Modify the if statement below to
include the names of the Databases you want to check *****
-- ********** This will loop through all databases and build two tables
showing access to roles and access to objects *********
set @cmd1 = 'use [?]
if ''?'' in (''msdb'',''master'',''model'')
create Table
#tempuserroleaccess(username nvarchar(100), groupname nvarchar(250),
nvarchar(250), defdbname nvarchar(250), DefSchemaName nvarchar(250),
userid int, sid nvarchar(500))
create table
#tempobjpermissions(owner nvarchar(50),object nvarchar(250),grantee
nvarchar(100), grantor nvarchar(100),protecttype nvarchar(50),action
nvarchar(50),tablecol nvarchar(100))
insert into #tempuserroleaccess
exec sp_helpuser
insert into #tempobjpermissions
exec sp_helprotect
insert into #dbuserroleaccess
(dbase,username,groupname, loginname)
select ''?'',username, groupname,
loginname from #tempuserroleaccess
insert into #objectpermissions
(dbase,object,grantee,grantor,protecttype,action, tablecol)
''?'',object,grantee,grantor,protecttype,action,tablecol from
delete from #objectpermissions
where grantee COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT in (select
name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT from sysusers where status = 32)
drop table #tempuserroleaccess
drop table #tempobjpermissions
--*** Loop through all databases and gather data into #DBUserRoleAccess
and #ObjectPermissions
exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1=@cmd1
*********** Part 1 The section Below is for Building and displaying
Users who have access to Server and Database Roles *************
declare @count1 as int,
@count2 as int,
@SQL as nvarchar(500)
-- *** Operator Modification use the where clause below to exclude
known safe users from the display at the database level
-- Build Database Exclusions from the list
select username + dbase + groupname as excluded
into #exclusions
from #dbuserroleaccess
where username = 'Dummy' -- Dummy record do not remvome it's to avoid
pulling everything if not excluding anything
or ((username = 'anyvaliduser') and
(dbase = 'model') and (groupname = 'db_owner'))
or ((username = 'anyotheruser') and
(dbase = 'master') and (groupname = 'sysadmin'))
Select cast(dbase as varchar(20)) "DBase",cast(username as varchar(35))
"UserName",cast(groupname as varchar(20)) "GroupName",
cast(loginname as varchar(35)) "LoginName"
into ##dbroleaccess
from #dbuserroleaccess
where groupname in
'db_datawriter') -- *** Operator
Modification pick the database roles you want see who has access to
and username not
in('Administrator','sa') -- *** Operator Modification Exclude safe
users at the server level
and username + dbase + groupname not in
(select excluded from #exclusions)
order by dbase,username
-- Now display the Server & Database users who have access to
select DBase "Data Base", UserName "User" , GroupName "Role
Permissions", LoginName "Login Name"
from ##dbroleaccess
-- ************** Part 2 The section below is for displaying Object
level permissions *********************
-- *** Operator Modification use the where clause below to exclude
known users/roles that have
-- *** object level permissions you do not wish to display
select grantee + dbase + object as excluded
into #exclusions2
From #objectpermissions
where ((grantee = 'public') and (dbase = 'master') and (object =
or ((grantee = 'public') and (dbase =
'TW_PROD') and (object = 'dtproperties'))
select cast(A.dbase as varchar(15)) "Database", cast(A.grantee as
varchar(30)) "Grantee", cast(A.object as varchar(30)) "Object",
cast(A.protecttype as varchar(30)) "ProtectType", cast(A.action as
varchar(30)) "Action", cast(A.tablecol as varchar(30)) "TableColumn",
cast(A.grantor as varchar(30)) "Grantor"
into ##objtemppermissions
from #objectpermissions A
where action in
and grantee not
and A.grantee + A.dbase + A.object not
in (select excluded from #exclusions2)
select cast(A.dbase as varchar(15)) "Database", cast(A.grantee as
varchar(30)) "Grantee", cast(A.object as varchar(30)) "Object",
cast(A.protecttype as varchar(30)) "ProtectType", cast(A.action as
varchar(30)) "Action", cast(A.tablecol as varchar(30)) "TableColumn",
cast(A.grantor as varchar(30)) "Grantor"
from #objectpermissions A
where action in
and grantee not
and A.grantee in ('guest','public')
and A.grantee + A.dbase + A.object not
in (select excluded from #exclusions2)
-- Show me the Users who have Insert/Update/Delete permissions on the
select [Database], Grantee, Object, ProtectType "Type Permission",
Action, TableColumn "Table Column", Grantor
from ##objtemppermissions
drop table #dbuserroleaccess
drop table #objectpermissions
drop table ##objtemppermissions
drop table #exclusions
drop table ##dbroleaccess
drop table #exclusions2