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How to Auto Create Indexes and
Drop un-used indexes from your databases in SQL Server 2005 Outlined here are the steps you need to take to create a scheduled job that will automatically create new indexes where needed, and drop obsolete indexes. The Data Management Views (DMV’s) will be used to determine what indexes to add and to drop. The DBA has a high level of control over how this is accomplished through variables being passed from the stored procedures you will create. As with all new stored procedures TEST TEST TEST, you may need to make alterations to the procedures to work in your environment. Cautionary notes: 1. Large indexes can take a while to build and slow performance. 2. Setting the options incorrectly could cause someones favorite index to be dropped. Recommendations on startup: 1. Do several Test runs with the ListOnly flag set to True, this will tell you what will be added or created without actually doing the deed. 2. Set your values high for minimal impact for the first few weeks until you feel you understand the impact of all the options. 3. Run only after working hours and not right before everyone shows up for work. The objects being created: 1. Database AdminData: This contains one table. 2. Table IDX_History: Used to record everything dropped and added. 3. Function: MyCompany_split. 4. Procedure: MyCompany_Build_New_Indexes. 5. Procedure: MyCompany_Delete_UnUsed_Indexes. 6. Schedule: Maint_Index_Optimize. Step 1: Create an empty database AdminData or use any name you like the point is you need a location for the IDX_History table and dbo split function. Step2: Replace the name "Acme" with your companies name in all the following code. Step3: Create the IDX_History Table. This table records all indexes added and deleted should you need to resolve an issue. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IDX_History]( [dbid] [smallint] NOT NULL, [IndexName] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL, [TableName] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL, [InsertDate] [smalldatetime] NULL, [DeleteDate] [smalldatetime] NULL, [Keys] [nvarchar](2000) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_IDX_History] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [dbid] ASC, [IndexName] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] Step 4: Create the Acme.dbo.split function: This is used to parse csv data. USE [AdminData] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[Acme_Split] Script Date: 02/24/2012 15:44:54 ***** I do not take credit for this, originally labeled dbo.split from the web */ CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Acme_Split](@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter char(1)) returns @temptable TABLE (items varchar(8000)) as begin declare @idx int declare @slice varchar(8000) select @idx = 1 if len(@String)<1 or @String is null return while @idx!= 0 begin set @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@String) if @idx!=0 set @slice = left(@String,@idx - 1) else set @slice = @String if(len(@slice)>0) insert into @temptable(Items) values(@slice) set @String = right(@String,len(@String) - @idx) if len(@String) = 0 break end return end Step 5: Create the Stored Procedure Acme_Build_New_Indexes in all databases where you will be running this procedure. It's probably possible to run from AdminData but I preferred this way. USE [AdminData] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Acme_Build_New_Indexes] Script Date: 02/24/2012 15:39:07 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE Procedure [dbo].[Acme_Build_New_Indexes] @ListOnly bit, @Statistical_Days_Min_Available integer, --Minumum amount in days that statistical data has been accumulated. @Impact_GT_Amt Numeric(20,4), -- Impact must be > that this number @User_Seeks_GT_Amt integer, --User Seeks must be > than this number @User_Scans_GT_Amt integer, --User Scans must be > than this numberAvgUserImpact @Avg_User_Impact_GT_Amt Numeric(20,4), --Average User Impact must be > than this number. @Avg_Tot_User_cost_GT_Amt Numeric(20,4), --Average Total User Impact must be > than this number @Last_User_Seek_Min_Days integer, --Last User Access must be Less Than this number of days @Max_Run_time_Minutes integer, --Maximum time this job should run. @Max_Columns integer, --Maximum amount of columns that can be included in the index. @Min_Rows bigint, --Minimum amount of rows that the table should have. @SortInTemp varchar(3), --Set the SortInTemp allowed flag ON or OFF Default in "ON" @FileGroup varchar(100) --Name of the Filegroup to create the index in Default is "Primary" as declare @IndexScript as nvarchar(2000), @statement as varchar(2000), @impact as numeric(20,4), @equality_columns as varchar(2000), @inequality_columns as varchar(2000), @covering_columns as varchar(2000), @unique_compiles as integer, @user_seeks as integer, @user_scans as integer, @last_user_seek as Datetime, @avg_total_user_cost as numeric(20,4), @avg_user_impact as numeric(20,4), @rowcnt as bigint, @LastBootTime as datetime, @LastSeekTime as datetime, @EndTime as datetime, @Table as varchar(100), @Database as varchar(100), @period1 as integer, @Period2 as integer, @columnName as varchar(100), @Column1_Name as varchar(100), @Column2_Name as varchar(100), @Column3_Name as varchar(100), @Column4_Name as varchar(100), @Column5_Name as varchar(100), @Column6_Name as varchar(100), @Column1B_Name as varchar(100), -- Columns without brackets @Column2B_Name as varchar(100), @Column3B_Name as varchar(100), @Column4B_Name as varchar(100), @Column5B_Name as varchar(100), @Column6B_Name as varchar(100), @TableB as varchar(100), @IndexName as varchar(150), @IX_Name_Exist as varchar(150), @MinDateToProcess as datetime, @ColumnsUsed as integer, @ColCounts as integer, @KeyFoundCount as integer, @IndexMatchCount as integer If @SortInTemp is null set @SortInTemp = 'ON'; If @FileGroup is null set @FileGroup = 'PRIMARY'; declare cur_missing_Indexes cursor for select statement, avg_total_user_cost * avg_user_impact * (user_seeks + user_scans) as impact, equality_columns, inequality_columns, included_columns as covering_columns, unique_compiles, user_seeks, user_scans, last_user_seek, avg_total_user_cost, avg_user_impact, SI.rowcnt FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details AS mid INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups AS mig ON mig.index_handle = mid.index_handle INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats as mis on mis.group_handle = mig.index_group_handle INNER JOIN sysindexes as SI on SI.Id = mid.object_id and si.indid in (0,1) WHERE database_id = DB_ID() ORDER BY left(statement,4), (avg_total_user_cost * avg_user_impact * (user_seeks + user_scans))DESC; select @LastBootTime = min(login_time) from master..sysprocesses select @MinDateToProcess = getdate() - @Statistical_Days_MIN_Available select @LastSeekTime = getdate() - @Last_user_Seek_min_Days select @EndTime = dateadd(mi,@Max_Run_time_Minutes,getdate()) Print 'LastBootTime:' + cast(@LastBootTime as varchar(30)) Print 'MinDateToProcess:' + cast(@MinDateToProcess as varchar(30)) Print 'LastSeektime:' + cast(@LastSeekTime as varchar(30)) Print 'Impact_GT_Amt:' + cast(@Impact_GT_Amt as varchar(30)) print 'User_Seeks_GT_Amt:' + cast(@User_Seeks_GT_Amt as varchar(30)) print 'User_Scans_GT_Amt:' + cast(@User_Scans_GT_Amt as varchar(30)) Print 'Avg_User_Impact_GT_Amt:' + cast(@Avg_User_Impact_GT_Amt as varchar(30)) print 'Max_Columns:' + cast(@Max_Columns as varchar(30)) print 'Min_Rows:' + cast(@Min_Rows as varchar(30)) if @LastBootTime > @MinDateToProcess GOTO EndOfRun; Open cur_missing_Indexes fetch next from cur_missing_Indexes into @statement,@impact,@equality_columns,@inequality_columns,@covering_columns, @unique_compiles,@user_seeks,@user_scans,@last_user_seek,@avg_total_user_cost,@avg_user_impact,@rowcnt while @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN select @column1_Name = null, @column2_Name = null, @column3_Name = null, @column4_Name = null, @column5_Name = null, @column6_Name = null, @column1B_Name = null, @column2B_Name = null, @column3B_Name = null, @column4B_Name = null, @column5B_Name = null, @column6B_Name = null, @ColumnsUsed = 0 --print @statement if @Impact >= @Impact_GT_Amt and @User_Seeks >= @User_Seeks_GT_Amt and @User_Scans >= @User_Scans_GT_Amt and @Avg_user_impact >= @Avg_User_Impact_GT_Amt and @Avg_total_user_cost >= @Avg_Tot_User_cost_GT_Amt and @Last_user_seek >= @LastSeekTime and @rowcnt >= @Min_rows Begin --Print @statement set @period1 = charindex('.',@statement,0) set @period2 = charindex('.',@statement,@Period1 + 1) set @Table = substring(@Statement,@Period2 + 1,len(@statement) - @Period2) set @Database = substring(@Statement,0,@Period1) select top 6 * into #Eq_columns from AdminData.dbo.Acme_split(@equality_Columns,',') --select * from #eq_columns -- Testing select top 6 * into #Not_Eq_Columns from AdminData.dbo.Acme_split(@inequality_Columns,',') --select * from #Not_Eq_Columns -- Testing declare Cur_EqColumns cursor for select * from #Eq_columns Open cur_EqColumns fetch next from cur_EqColumns into @ColumnName While @@Fetch_status = 0 BEGIN set @ColumnName = rtrim(ltrim(@ColumnName)) If @Column1_Name is null and @Max_Columns >= 1 BEGIN set @column1_Name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 1 END else if @Column2_Name is null and @Max_Columns >= 2 BEGIN set @Column2_Name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 2 END else if @Column3_Name is null and @Max_Columns >= 3 BEGIN set @Column3_Name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 3 END else if @Column4_name is null and @Max_Columns >= 4 BEGIN set @Column4_name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 4 END else if @Column5_name is null and @Max_Columns >= 5 BEGIN set @Column5_name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 5 END else If @Column6_name is null and @Max_Columns >= 6 BEGIN set @Column6_name = @columnName set @ColumnsUsed = 6 END else GOTO Check_InEquality; fetch next from cur_EqColumns into @ColumnName END -- End Fetch from @Cur_EqColumns Check_InEquality: --set @ColumnsUsed = @Max_Columns - @ColumnsUsed close cur_EqColumns deallocate cur_eqColumns Drop Table #Eq_columns declare Cur_NEqColumns cursor for select * from #Not_Eq_Columns Open cur_NEqColumns fetch next from cur_NEqColumns into @ColumnName While @@Fetch_status = 0 BEGIN set @ColumnName = rtrim(ltrim(@ColumnName)) If @Column1_Name is null and @Max_Columns >= 1 BEGIN set @Column1_Name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 1 END else if @Column2_Name is null and @Max_Columns >= 2 BEGIN set @Column2_Name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 2 END else if @Column3_Name is null and @Max_Columns >= 3 BEGIN set @Column3_Name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 3 END else if @Column4_name is null and @Max_Columns >= 4 BEGIN set @Column4_name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 4 END else if @Column5_name is null and @Max_Columns >= 5 BEGIN set @Column5_name = @ColumnName set @ColumnsUsed = 5 END else If @Column6_name is null and @Max_Columns >= 6 BEGIN set @Column6_name = @columnName set @ColumnsUsed = 6 END else GOTO BuildIndex; fetch next from cur_NEqColumns into @ColumnName END -- End Fetch @Cur_NeqColumns BuildIndex: close cur_NeqColumns deallocate cur_NeqColumns Drop Table #Not_Eq_Columns set @IndexScript = 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_' + replace(replace(@Table,'[',''),']','') + '_' set @IndexName = 'IX_' + replace(replace(@Table,'[',''),']','') + '_' -- Create a name for the Index "IX_Table_Col1_Col2_Col3" if @Column1_name is not null BEGIN set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + '_' + replace(replace(@Column1_name,'[',''),']','') set @IndexName = @IndexName + '_' + replace(replace(@Column1_name,'[',''),']','') set @Column1B_name = replace(replace(@Column1_name,'[',''),']','') END if @Column2_name is not null BEGIN set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + '_' + replace(replace(@Column2_name,'[',''),']','') set @IndexName = @IndexName + '_' + replace(replace(@Column2_name,'[',''),']','') set @Column2B_name = replace(replace(@Column2_name,'[',''),']','') END if @Column3_name is not null BEGIN set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + '_' + replace(replace(@Column3_name,'[',''),']','') set @IndexName = @IndexName + '_' + replace(replace(@Column3_name,'[',''),']','') set @Column3B_name = replace(replace(@Column3_name,'[',''),']','') END if @Column4_name is not null BEGIN set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + '_' + replace(replace(@Column4_name,'[',''),']','') set @IndexName = @IndexName + '_' + replace(replace(@Column4_name,'[',''),']','') set @Column4B_name = replace(replace(@Column4_name,'[',''),']','') END if @Column5_name is not null BEGIN set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + '_' + replace(replace(@Column5_name,'[',''),']','') set @IndexName = @IndexName + '_' + replace(replace(@Column5_name,'[',''),']','') set @Column5B_name = replace(replace(@Column5_name,'[',''),']','') END if @Column6_name is not null BEGIN set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + '_' + replace(replace(@Column6_name,'[',''),']','') set @IndexName = @IndexName + '_' + replace(replace(@Column6_name,'[',''),']','') set @Column6B_name = replace(replace(@Column6_name,'[',''),']','') END set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + '] ON ' + @Table + '(' -- Add the tables to the script If @Column1_Name is not null set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + @Column1_Name + ' ASC, ' if @Column2_Name is not null set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + @Column2_Name + ' ASC, ' if @Column3_Name is not null set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + @Column3_Name + ' ASC, ' if @Column4_name is not null set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + @Column4_Name + ' ASC, ' if @Column5_name is not null set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + @Column5_Name + ' ASC, ' If @Column6_name is not null set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + @Column6_Name + ' ASC, ' set @IndexScript = substring(@indexScript,1,len(@indexScript) -1) -- remove last comma set @IndexScript = @IndexScript + ') WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ' + @SortInTemp + ', IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [' + @FileGroup + '];' set @TableB = replace(replace(@Table,'[',''),']','') select @IndexMatchCount = isnull(max(A.Counter),0) -- From the valid Indexes verify the 1st col matches at least one of the required columns from (select so.name as soname, si.name as siname, count(*) as counter from sysindexes si,sysobjects so, syscolumns sc, sysindexkeys sk where(si.id = so.id) and sc.id = so.id and sk.id = so.id and sk.colid = sc.colid and sk.indid = si.indid and so.name = @TableB and sc.name in (@Column1B_Name, @Column2B_Name,@Column3B_Name,@Column4B_name,@Column5B_Name,@Column6B_Name) and si.root is not null and keyno = 1 and si.name in(select sinameB -- get the names of all indexes that have all of the columns needed from (select so.name as sonameB, si.name as sinameB, count(*) as counterB from sysindexes si,sysobjects so, syscolumns sc, sysindexkeys sk where(si.id = so.id) and sc.id = so.id and sk.id = so.id and sk.colid = sc.colid and sk.indid = si.indid and so.name = @TableB and sc.name in (@Column1B_Name, @Column2B_Name,@Column3B_Name,@Column4B_name,@Column5B_Name,@Column6B_Name) and si.root is not null group by so.name, si.name) as B where B.counterB >= @ColumnsUsed) -- Existing Index Columns must be >= Columns Needed group by so.name, si.name) as A set @IX_Name_Exist = null -- verify the index does not already exist. select @IX_Name_Exist = IndexName from AdminData.dbo.IDX_History where dbid = DB_ID() and IndexName = @IndexName if @IndexMatchCount = 0 and @IX_Name_Exist is null -- if no matching existing indexes then create BEGIN if @ListOnly = 'TRUE' BEGIN print @IndexScript END ELSE BEGIN BEGIN TRY print @IndexScript exec sp_executesql @IndexScript insert into AdminData.dbo.IDX_History ([DBID],IndexName,TableName,InsertDate) values(DB_ID(),@IndexName,@TableB,getdate()) END TRY BEGIN CATCH print 'Could not generate the following New Index' print @IndexScript print 'ERROR Line = ' + cast(ERROR_LINE() as varchar(100)) print 'ERROR Message = ' + cast(ERROR_MESSAGE() as varchar(2000)) Print ' ' goto NextLine END CATCH END END ELSE BEGIN PRINT '' PRINT '*** This index was similar to an existing index and WAS NOT BUILT *** ' PRINT @IndexScript END NextLine: -- ************ EXECUTE the SCript -- ************ End Execute --print @IndexScript END -- ****************** End If index meets all requirements to be built. ******* if getdate() > @EndTime break -- exceeded time limit. fetch next from cur_missing_Indexes into @statement,@impact,@equality_columns,@inequality_columns,@covering_columns, @unique_compiles,@user_seeks,@user_scans,@last_user_seek,@avg_total_user_cost,@avg_user_impact,@rowcnt END -- ****************** End Main Outer Loop ********************************** CLOSE cur_missing_indexes DEALLOCATE cur_missing_indexes EndOfRun: STEP6: Create the ACME_Delete_UnUsed_Indexes Stored Procedure. USE [AdminData] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[ACME_Delete_UnUsed_Indexes] Script Date: 02/24/2012 16:02:29 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE Procedure [dbo].[ACME_Delete_UnUsed_Indexes] @ListOnly bit, @Statistical_Days_Min_Available integer, --Minumum amount in days that statistical data has been accumulated. @TotalWrites_GT_Amt integer, -- Writes must be >= to this number @TotalReads_LT_Amt integer, -- Reads must be <= to this number @MinIDXAgeToDlet integer, -- Minimum number of days the index has been in existance @Impact_LT_Amt numeric(8,4) -- Impact (ratio of reads vs writes) must be less that this number. -- Example an impact of .5 means there are twice the number of writes to reads -- an impact of 2.0 means there are twice the number of reads to writes -- the Higher the impact the better the index is for the database as declare @MinDateToProcess as datetime, @LastBootTime as datetime, @TableName as nvarchar(250), @IndexName as nvarchar(250), @SQL as nvarchar(2000), @NewIndex as nvarchar(500), @MinIDXDateToDlet as datetime set @MinIDXDateToDlet = dateadd(day,-@MinIDXAgeToDlet,getdate()) --Print 'Minimum Index Age =' + cast(@MinIDXDateToDLET as varchar(30)) select @LastBootTime = min(login_time) from master..sysprocesses select @MinDateToProcess = getdate() - @Statistical_Days_MIN_Available if @LastBootTime > @MinDateToProcess GOTO EndOfRun; declare cur_unused_Indexes cursor for select obj.name, idx.name from sys.indexes as idx join sys.objects as obj on obj.object_id = idx.object_id left outer join sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats as stats on stats.object_id = idx.object_id and stats.index_id = idx.index_id WHERE stats.database_id = DB_ID() and idx.index_id > 1 and idx.is_unique = 0 and idx.is_primary_key = 0 and idx.is_unique_constraint = 0 and obj.type = 'U' and (((isnull(stats.user_seeks + stats.user_scans + stats.user_lookups,0) <= @TotalReads_LT_Amt and isnull(stats.user_updates,0) >= @TotalWrites_GT_Amt)) and ((stats.user_seeks + stats.user_scans + stats.user_lookups + .0001) / (user_updates + .0001) <= @Impact_LT_Amt)) Open cur_unused_Indexes fetch next from cur_UnUsed_Indexes into @TableName, @IndexName while @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN set @SQL = 'DROP INDEX ' + @TableName + '.' + @IndexName set @NewIndex = null -- Check if we're deleting a new index with no statistics select @NewIndex = IndexName from AdminData.dbo.IDX_History where IndexName = @IndexName and dbid = DB_ID() and insertDate < @MinIDXDateToDlet if @NewIndex is null -- No recent indexes were returned BEGIN if @ListOnly = 'TRUE' BEGIN print @SQL END ELSE BEGIN BEGIN TRY print @SQL -- Save dropped index create table #indexes (indexname nvarchar(255), index_description nvarchar(1000), index_keys nvarchar(1000)) insert #indexes exec sp_helpindex @TableName -- listing of indexes for this table if not exists (select IndexName from AdminData.dbo.IDX_History where IndexName = @IndexName and dbid = DB_ID()) BEGIN insert into AdminData.dbo.IDX_History ([dbid],IndexName,Tablename, DeleteDate, Keys) select DB_ID(),@indexname, @TableName, getdate(), index_keys from #indexes where indexname = @IndexName END ELSE BEGIN Update AdminData.dbo.IDX_History set DeleteDate = getdate(), Keys = (select index_Keys from #indexes where indexname = @IndexName) where dbid = DB_ID() and IndexName = @IndexName END drop table #indexes -- end save Dropped Index exec sp_executesql @SQL END TRY BEGIN CATCH print 'Could not drop the Index command: ' print @SQL print 'ERROR Line = ' + cast(ERROR_LINE() as varchar(100)) print 'ERROR Message = ' + cast(ERROR_MESSAGE() as varchar(2000)) Print ' ' continue END CATCH END END fetch next from cur_unused_Indexes into @TableName, @IndexName END CLOSE cur_unused_indexes DEALLOCATE cur_unused_indexes EndOfRun: Step 7: Create the schedule: This is the most important part and here is where options are very important. you will need to create a scheduled event to fire and execute the code below. I will add a few additional notes here. 1. make some trial runs in a query window always make sure the @ListOnly flag is set to true, this will print out the new indexes that will be built or the indexes to be deleted, no updates will take place. 2. Adjust your options to what make sense for your company. 3. Remember after a restart of services the DMV's are reset and numbers will be very low. Setting the "Statistical_Days_Min_Available" to a high number (I recommend > 30) will prevent rarely used indexes that come into play during month end from being deleted. 4. Values should be tailored for each database not a one size fits all. 5. Big table = Big indexes You might want to run this late at night if you suspect large indexes will be built. 6. set the"Maximum time this job should run flag" to a number that will prevent the job from running into the working hours. This is checked at the beginning of each new index build. If the time has exceeded the job will stop. 7. If an existing index already exists that contains the same columns as the index to be built and at least one of the columns is in the 1st position the index will not be created. 8. New indexes may take a few days to accumulate statistics. The "MinIDXAgeToDlet" variable prevents this from happening. Set this value large enough to allow the new index to accumulate statistical data. DECLARE @return_value int EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[ACME_Delete_UnUsed_Indexes] @ListOnly = false, @Statistical_Days_Min_Available = 30, @TotalWrites_GT_Amt = 50, --Number of writes should be GT > Number of reads @TotalReads_LT_Amt = 0, -- Number of reads should be LT < than writes @MinIDXAgeToDlet = 30, -- Number should be large enough to allow statistical data to be generated for new indexes. @Impact_LT_Amt = .25 -- ratio of reads vs writes. Lower = more writes than reads. exp. .5 = 2 writes to every 1 read. /* in the setting above all indexes that have had a total of 0 seeks and scans and looksups and have had at least 50 writes and the index was not part of an auto create in the last 30 days, and the server has been running for at least 30 days, and there are less than 1 read to every 4 writes will be deleted. */ SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value GO DECLARE @return_value int EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[ACME_Build_New_Indexes] @ListOnly = FALSE, @Statistical_Days_Min_Available = 7, --Minumum amount in days that statistical data has been accumulated. @Impact_GT_Amt = 10, -- Impact must be > that this number @User_Seeks_GT_Amt = 10, --User Seeks must be > than this number @User_Scans_GT_Amt = 0, --User Scans must be > than this numberAvgUserImpact @Avg_User_Impact_GT_Amt = .02, --Average User Impact must be > than this number. @Avg_Tot_User_cost_GT_Amt = .02, --Average Total User Impact must be > than this number @Last_User_Seek_Min_Days = 7, --Last User Access must be Less Than this number of days @Max_Run_time_Minutes = 90, --Maximum time this job should run. @Max_Columns = 6, --Maximum amount of columns that can be included in the index. @Min_Rows = 300, --Minimum amount of rows that the table should have. @SortInTemp = N'ON', --Set the SortInTemp allowed flag ON or OFF Default in "ON" @FileGroup = N'PRIMARY' --Name of the Filegroup to create the index in Default is "Primary" SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value GO |